Rarefind Timber Species
Common Name(s) | Species | Code | Type Use |
Akeake | Dodonaea viscosa | DOVIS | Instrumental |
American black poplar | Populus deltoides | PODEL | Dimensional - Slab |
Arizona cypress | Cupressus arizonica | CUARZ | Instrument |
Atlas cedar | Cedrus atlantica | CEATL | Craft |
Australian blackwood | Acacia melanoxylon | AAMEL | Dimensional - Slab |
Banksia | Banksia menziesii | BAMEN | Instrument |
Bentham cypress | Cupressus lusitanica x bentham | CUBNT | Dimensional - Slab |
Black cherry | Prunus serotina | PRSER | Instrument - Slab |
Black locust | Robinia pseudoacacia | ROPSE | Craft |
Black maire | Nestegis cunninghamii | NECUM | Instrument - Craft |
Black walnut | Juglans nigra | JUNIG | Dimensional - Slab |
Black wattle | Acacia decurrens | AADEC | Instrument - Craft |
Box elder | Acer negundo | ACNEG | Instrument - Craft |
Brazilian pepper tree | Schinus molle | SCMOL | Instrument - Craft |
Bunya bunya pine | Araucaria bidwilli | ARBID | Craft |
Catalpa | Catalpa bignoioides | CLBIG | Instrument and Slab |
Cherry | Prunus spp | PRSPP | Instrument - Slab |
Chestnut | Castanea sativa | CTSAT | Dimensional - Slab |
Coast banksia | Banksia integrifolia | BAINT | Instrument - Craft |
Common alder | Alnus glutinosa | ANGLU | Instrument |
Common lime | Tilia xeuropea | TLEUR | Craft |
Cryptomeria | Cryptomeria japonica | CRJAP | Dimensional - Slab |
Dawn redwood | Metasequoia glyptostroboi | MTGLY | Dimensional - Slab |
Douglas fir | Pseudotsuga menziesii | PSMEN | Dimensional |
English elm | Ulmus procera | ULPRO | Dimensional |
English oak | Quercus robur | QUROB | Dimensional |
Eucaluptus saligna | Eucalyptus saligna | EUSAL | Dimensional |
Eucalyptus botryoifes | Eucalyptus botryoides | EUBOT | Instrument - Craft |
Eucalyptus fastigata | Eucalyptus fastigata | EUFAS | Dimensional |
Eucalyptus fraxinoides | Eucalyptus fraxinoides | EUFRA | Dimensional |
Eucalyptus globulus | Eucalyptus globulus | EUGLO | Dimensional |
European ash | Fraxinus excelsa | FREXC | Instrument |
European beech | Fagus sylvatica | FASYL | Dimensional - Slab |
Ginkgo | Ginkgo biloba | GIBIL | Instrument - Craft |
Hickory | Carya spp | CASPP | Craft |
Himalayan cedar | Cedrus deodara | CEDEO | Dimensional - Slab |
Hoheria Lacebark | Hoheria populnea | HOPOP | Instrument |
Holm oak | Quercus ilex | QUILE | Dimensional |
Kahikatea | Dacrycarpus dacrydiodes | DCDAC | Dimensional - Instrument - Craft |
Kauri | Agathis australis | AGAUS | Instrument |
Keno Euc | Eucalyptus keno | EUKEN | Dimensional |
Laburnum | Laburnum anagyroides | LBANA | Instrument-Craft |
Lawson cypress | Chamaecyparis lawsoniana | CHLAW | Dimensional |
Leyland cypress | Cupressocyparis leylandi | CXLEY | Dimensional |
Liquidamber | Liquidamber styracifluca | LQSTY | Dimensional - Slab |
Lombardy poplar | Populus nigra italica | POLOM | Dimensional - Slab |
London plane | Platanus hybrid | PLHYB | Dimensional - Slab |
Lusitanica | Cupressus lusitanica | CULUS | Dimensional |
Macrocarpa | Cupressus macrocarpa | CUMAC | Dimensional - Slab |
Magnolia | Magnolia grandifolia | MAGRA | Instrument - Craft |
Maidens gum | Eucalyptus maidenii | EUMED | Dimensional |
Mangaeo | Litsea calicaris | LICAL | Instrument - Craft |
Matai | Prumnopitys taxifolia | PRTAX | Instrument - Craft |
Miro | Prumnopitys ferruginea | PUFER | Instrument - Craft |
Mountain ash | Eucalyptus regnans | EUREG | Dimensional |
Norfolk Island pine | Araucaria heterophylla | ARHET | Craft |
Patula pine | Pinus patula | P.PTA | Dimensional |
Paulownia | Paulownia elongata | PAELO | Dimensional |
Paulownia | Paulownia tomentosa | PATOM | Dimensional |
Persian walnut | Juglans regia | JUREG | Instrument - Craft |
Pin oak | Quercus palustris | QUPAL | Dimensional - Slab |
Pohutukawa | Metrosideros excelsa | MEEXC | Instrument - Craft |
Poplar | Populus hybrids | POHYB | Dimensional - Slab |
Poplar | Populus nigra | PONIG | Dimensional - Slab |
Pukatea | Laurelia novae-zelandiae | LUNOV | Instrument - Craft |
Puriri | Vitex lucens | VILUC | Instrument - Craft |
Red elm | Ulmus rubra | ULRUB | Slab |
Red oak | Quercus rubra | QURBR | Dimensional - Slab |
Redwood coastal | Sequoia sempervirens | SQSEM | Dimensional - Slab |
Rewarewa | Knightia excelsa | KNEXC | Instrument - Craft |
Riker Kauri | Agathis riker | AGRIK | Instrument |
Rimu | Dacrydium cupressium | DACUP | Instrument - Craft - Slab |
River she oak | Casuarina cunninghamii | CSCUM | Dimensional - Slab |
Scarlet oak | Quercus coccinea | QUCOC | Dimensional |
Sierra redwood | Sequoiadendron gigantea | SDGIG | Instrument - Craft |
Silk tree | Albizia julibrissin | ALBIZ | Instrument - Craft |
Silky oak | Grivillia robusta | GRROB | Dimensional - Slab |
Silver beech | Nothofagus menziesii | NOMEN | Instrument - Craft |
Silver birch | Betula pendula | BTPEN | Instrument - Craft |
Silver pine | Lagarostrobos colensoi | LACOL | Instrument - Craft |
Swamp cypress | Taxodium disticum | TADIS | Dimensional |
Swamp kauri | Agathis australis | SWAUS | Instrument - Craft |
Swamp matai | Prumnopitys taxifolia | SWTAX | Instrument - Craft |
Swamp totara | Podocarpus totara | SWTOT | Instrument - Craft |
Sycamore | Acer pseudoplatanus | ACPSE | Instrument - Craft |
Tanekaha | Phyllocladus trichomanoid | PHTRI | Dimensional - Craft |
Tarairi | Beilschniedia tarairi | BETAR | Instrument - Craft |
Tawa | Beilschniedia tawa | BETAW | Dimensional - Slab |
Toothed lancewood | Pseudopanax ferox | PEFER | Instrument - Craft |
Totara | Podocarpus totara | PDTOT | Instrument - Craft |
Tree of heaven | Ailanthus altissima | AIALT | Craft |
Tulip tree | Liriodendron tulipifera | LDTUL | Dimensional - Slab |
Western red cedar | Thuja plicata | THPLI | Dimensional |
Wych elm | Ulmus glabra | ULGLA | Dimensional - Slab |
Yellow stringybark | Eucalyptus muellerana | EUMUE | Dimensional |
Yew | Taxus baccata | TXBAC | Instrument - Craft |
Yunnan poplar | Populus yunnanensis | POYUN | Dimensional - Slab |
Contact Rarefind Timber NZ
General Enquiries
Michael Esson
Mobile: (+64) 27 451 8083
Email: info@rarefind.co.nz
Morrinsville Road, Hamilton
Instrument Timber Enquiries
Malcolm Williams
Email: malcolm@rarefind.co.nz
We’d love to see you at our mill, but as drying and processing of the timber needs to happen at certain times it can be hard to give you the attention we would like.
If you would like to come out, please let us know in advance so we can assist you as best we can.