Pin Oak A Grade Slab 1478-15-1 RF1S ELE6
Pin Oak
Small Pin Oak slab, Kiln Conditioned and resawn flat, with natural edges. Pin Oak is one of the American Red oaks. Red oaks are not durable and are susceptible to decay organisms if left exposed or constantly wet. Fungi like it wet and warm. Pin Oak logs will decay if left unmilled. Once the timber dried the decay stopped. Pin Oak heartwood is normally resistant to borer, but semi-decayed heartwood or Spalted wood is susceptible. The borer is no longer active, stopped with an application of turps and ripcord. Ripcord is a pyrethroid.
Pin Oak A Grade Slab 1478-15-1 RF1S MS
Packet / Piece No: 1478 / 15 / 1
Species Code: QUPAL
Species name: Quercus palustris
Name: Pin Oak
Green /AD / KD: AD, Air Dry
RS, RSN, Dressed: RS, Rough Sawn.
Type: Slab
Indigenous / Exotic : Exotic
Origin: North America, grown in Aotearoa - NZ
Durability: Non-Durable
Hardwood / Softwood: Hardwood
Suitable for Outdoor Use: Not suitable
Hardness: Moderate to Hard
Strength: Strong
Colour: Pale Red Brown
Milled Dimensions: 485mm x 37mm x 1.96m
(Width, Thickness, Length Ext. Weight) 25.7 Kg
Graded Dimensions: 294mm x 34mm x 1.56m
(Width, Thickness, Length Ext. Weight) 11.4 Kg
Grade: SLA
Grade Name: A Grade Slab
Density (Kg/m3): 732
Est. Vol (m3): 0.0352
Est. Weight Estimate 15kg