Australian Blackwood-SLAB_mini-1888-15-1 RF1S B2
Australian Blackwood
Small Australian Blackwood slab, with exceptional grain and colour, suitable for craft uses, and woodworking projects. All slabs or wood with natural edges, have had an application to remove borer and deter future activity. Borer holes present in this piece are historical, no borer present. The borer holes are part of the character present in older wood, wood that has been around in the timber yard for many years.
Packet / Piece No: 1888 / 15 / 1
Species Code: AAMEL
Species name: Acacia melanoxylon
Name: Australian Blackwood
Green /Air Dry / Kiln: KD, Kiln Dry.
Rough Sawn / Dressed: FALSE
Type: #N/A
Exotic / Indigenous: Exotic
Origin: Australia, grown in Aotearoa - NZ
Durability: Moderate Durability
Hardwood / Softwood: Hardwood
Suitable for Outdoor Use: Sheltered
Hardness: Moderate to Hard
Strength: Strong
Colour: Golden Brown to Dark Brown Black
Milled Dimensions: 280mm x 50mm x 1.45m
(Width, Thickness, Length Ext. Weight) 12.4 Kg
Graded Dimensions: 280mm x 50mm x 1.45m
(Width, Thickness, Length Ext. Weight) 12.4 Kg
Grade: SLA
Grade Name: A Grade Slab
Density (Kg/m3): 610
Est. Vol (m3): 0.0203
Est. Weight Estimate 12.4 Kg