Keno Gum - Knife Blank - 1404-35-1-KNP
Keno Gum
This particular piece of Eucalyptus has a very spectacular pattern made from the keno gum within the wood, makes it look there is obsidian running through the wood.
Keno Gum-Knife Blank-Premium-EUKEN-1404-35-1
Packet / Piece No: 1404 / 35 / 1
Species Code: EUKEN
Species name: Eucalyptus keno
Name: Keno Gum
Green /Air Dry / Kiln: AD
Rough Sawn / Dressed: Sawn
Type: Knife Blank
Exotic / Indigenous: Exotic
Origin: Australia, grown in Aotearoa - NZ
Durability: Non-Durable
Hardwood / Softwood: Hardwood
Suitable for Outdoor Use: No
Hardness: Hard
Strength: Moderate Strength
Colour: Pale Brown with Black Gum Streaks
Thickness (mm): 40
Width (mm): 70
Length (mm): 350
Grade: KNP
Grade Name: Knife Blank Premium
Density (Kg/m3): 670
Vol (m3): 0.00112
Weight (g): 750.4